• २०८१ कार्तिक ६ गते मङ्गलवार
  • Preeti To Unicode

Ownership & Funding Info

Ownership and Funding
Cyber Sena is owned by Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh 201305 India

Business phone 088408 46927

Email : info@cybersena.net / info@cybersena.net / cybersena@gmail.com
Pox Box No : 201305

With the registration number 279565 of section 5 of the Companies Act, 2006.

The company was also registered with the Press Council Uttar Pradesh on February 11, 2022 (Dispatch No. 2678). On March 25, 2022, the business registration certificate was received from the Gautam Buddha Nagar Municipal Office.

Cyber Sena, currently owned by Sulav Host, is currently a digital media in English, hindi  and Nepali language, will be registered with the Department of Information on February 11, 2022 under registration number 5678. It is a well-funded and well-managed media. The company has expanded and established itself as its own alternative news platform. During this period, a self-reliant media organization has been formed.

The widespread popularity of accessible post-digital news has gained traction, with media outlets showing their media services and licensing to include television channels for the expansion of the current expansion.

Accessible Post is in the process of other media and information services such as telecommunications and technology in the near future.



Cyber Sena

Address : Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh 201305 India

Business phone 088408 46927

Email : info@cybersena.net / info@cybersena.net / cybersena@gmail.com
Pox Box No : 201305

Subas Ghimire, Uttar Pradesh 201305 India

Assistant Editor
Sabtosh Ghimire, Uttar Pradesh 201305 India

Marketing manager
KB Gurung

Salyan: Khakendra KC
Rukum: Karmahi Ghartimagar
Kanchanpur: Bhaskar KC.
Travel correspondents
Kuwait: DB Budhathoki
Qatar: Bibesh Limbu

Articles / Ideas
Karmashi Ghartimagar

Information Technology / Health
Kamal KC

Thank you !